Category: Bookclub

Protected: Bookclub May

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Goodness! I’ve been on the internet for a lot of yesterday and have realised most of the Muslim bloggers I used to read way back when are now ex-Muslim and not blogging so much anymore. And I’m not talking about a just a couple – it’s an epidemic!!

I’ve started a bookclub. I know that I’m probably a few years late and everyone has moved on to crochet and knitting clubs but I’m hoping we have a few months of interesting conversation before everyone gets off the fad and moves onto something else. Plus, I’m hoping it rekindles my reading desire. Honestly –  having children, even having a life nowadays means there is no time for anything let alone reading time. I’m not a literary snob by any means but I am not reading Eat Pray Love or any of the Twilight series. I’m all for broadening the reading horizons but that’s just taking things a bit too far.

Those who know where I live are welcome to come and join us – 8pm Friday night.

Book recommendations? Something polarising would be much appreciated.

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