Category: Pictures


While we aren’t ready to go totally veg just yet, it’s something that husband and I are slowly gravitating towards. This week, we haven’t eaten any meat and the children haven’t missed it at all.

Green Beans and Bok Choy


500g green beans, topped and tailed

bunch bok choy, washed

2 tomatoes, quartered

pinch fenugreek seeds (methi)

salt to taste

chilli powder to taste

2 tbsp oil


Heat oil to med/high heat and add fenugreek seeds till they become fragrant

Add green beans, bok choy, tomato, chilli powder and salt

Stir and reduced heat to med

We like the veges a bit crunchy but you can keep on stove until cooked through.

Serve as a side, husband had his with eggs and his gluten free bread (which to me oddly has the texture of cake – it’s known as cakebread in our house)


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