Category: Punography

I really don’t mean this blog to be one where I post random links and worse, one where I post random NEWS links so I offer my apologies. I will try not to make this a frequent occurrence but I made allowances this time as this article here is too good to NOT share with you all.

Arnott’s and Krispy Kreme call truce

For all those international visitors..this is what an Iced Vovo looks like.

I don’t think I have ever tasted one because either it has some haram ingredient in it or it DOESN’T have any haram ingredient and someone just told me that it does. BUT THAT IS ANOTHER WHOLE STORY *sigh*

My punometer just assploded. I was going to only quote the gems but the WHOLE article is spectacular. Here it is in its entirety:

The stakes were high when Arnott’s took on Krispy Kreme to protect its Iced Vo-Vo trademark.

Arnotts was defending big bikkies and Krispy was looking at a lot of dough.

The battle was set to play out in the homes and offices of Australia at morning coffee and afternoon tea time, but the war of the clones ended on Thursday without a shot being fired.

Arnott’s threatened legal action over Krispy Kreme’s Iced Dough-Vo doughnut, which is covered in pink icing and coconut flakes, just like the famous Iced Vo-Vo biscuit.

An Arnott’s spokeswoman said Krispy Kreme Australia must have been coconuts to think it could take advantage of the 103-year old Vo-Vo trademark.

Krispy Kreme Australia had argued that imitation was the sincerest form of flattery and Arnotts should be tickled pink at the homage to its iconic brand.

Now the doughnut maker has backed down and agreed to rename the Iced Dough-Vo from May 11, Arnott’s and Krispy Kreme said in a joint statement issued on Thursday.

A storm in a teacup, it seems.


I wonder why the journalist didn’t get a byline.

Such a travesty.

Qld’s flu action plan.

I’m trying so hard to remain adult about all of this and not resort to porcine puns and cheesy jokes (pandemic? – and pigs may fly! hypochondriacs are hogging the tamiflu; tamiflu all the way from Mexico and boy are her arms tired,  etc etc) but sometimes the jokes just write themselves.

Meanwhile, a Federal Parliamentary delegation to Mexico, led by Senate President and Queenslander John Hogg, will return early because of the outbreak.

HOGG? hahaha!

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